International Con Artist

Stephen Paul Brown
International Con Artist
Past OTC Companies
Entertainment Boulevard OTC:EBLD**
WorldNet Resource Group OTC:WNRG**
Milagro Entertainment OTC:MLGH**
Public Media Works OTC:PMWI
Appreciated Media OTC:AMEFF
Stargaze Entertainment OTC:STGZ
Crank Media OTC:CRKM**
** SEC Revoked
Current/Past NASDAQ Companies
The True History of Stephen Brown
Everybody has a story, and Stephen "Paul" Brown's is nothing like the one he tells. The first job we can find is as a car salesman, go figure, at Regina Motor Products from '79-'82 (rumors are he filed fraudulent sales to boost his commissions and was fired). He then bounced around Winnipeg (failed construction company launch, we are told), Vancouver (possibly a failed extended warranty for appliances gig), New York, before landing in California... no where near an NHL hockey team (unless he counts the bleachers) or Easingwold Technical Institute/University (still looking for that). Stephen launched an independent record label "Caliber Records" in Los Angeles in the late 80's, ran out of money, and stole royalties from his artists in the early 90's; then shut it down. He partnered on Big City Records for a few years before reincorporating Caliber Records in Nevada for another round of failure, ending again the late 90's with more lawsuits.

He then started Vidnet, International Net Broadcasting at the time, where he struggled to raise money; while Mark Cuban's Broadcast.com was skyrocketing. He acquired his first OTC shell and reverse merged Vidnet into renamed Entertainment Boulevard (OTC:EBLD) to raise capital. Just like his current OTC scams, he failed to meet promises to shareholders in a timely manner regarding filings, audits, products, revenue, etc.
After a year, signing a few me-too contracts his competition already had, Stephen Brown blew through over $10M of heavily dilutive toxic debt and left the company; after taking on a massive compensation package and loans from the company, which he did not pay back. He was sued by Vidnet for breach of
written and oral agreements, breach of fiduciary duty, conversion, interference with existing and prospective business relationships, breach of trust, implied indemnity and accounting. Vidnet's complaint sought a minimum of $585,000 for money owed by Stephen Brown to the Company and further damages for his tortuous activities. The company won by default judgement but was never able to collect.
Stephen Brown went on to reverse merge unfinished "projects" through "acquisition" into 3 other OTC shells from 2000 through 2006. Each one ending with investors losing 100% of their money. By 2006 he had racked up at least 59 lawsuits related to his record label(s), 4 OTC shells, and personal matters across two states. From 2006-2012 he tried to start a few more projects to reverse into OTC shells, but could never close the reverse merger. Projects such as Vavoom Media Group, Inc, a failed porn streaming website and adult content provider, failed to reverse into OTC:AUMN. And 1122 Media, Inc. which failed to reverse its project Best Bid, Inc. into OTC:NCRG and Junk4Junk, Inc which failed to launch its new share offering. All the while, using investor money to fund his lavish lifestyle, failing to properly pay employees, contractors, vendors, lawyers, etc., or provide investor value in return.

After several more civil and criminal legal problems, totaling over 100 known lawsuits, charges, or convictions by this point, Stephen Brown fled to the UK with little to nothing, having all his possessions auctioned off by Federal Marshalls at his home in Henderson, NV. While in the UK, he started several more private companies, taking in investor money to again fund his lavish lifestyle. Culminating in 2015-2017, Stephen Brown took millions from friends and outside investors for Extravaganza Media, a
from friends and outside investors for Extravaganza Media, a fraudulent scheme promising movie and TV shows deals that did not exist. After forging emails from rights holders of movies, famous actors, TV stations execs, etc. to defraud investors, he went on to forge SEC, NASDAQ, DTCC, and other US public market forms and filings. This was an attempt to buy time with investors regarding the "upcoming NASDAQ listing," they would receive shares in, for a non-existent Nevada corporation that would be issued soon once he got the issues resolved.
​After starring in Season 5, Episode 13 of "Can't Pay Well Take It Away," investors realized they were being scammed and approached law enforcement and bankruptcy courts. After successfully bankrupting Stephen Brown and the UK police issuing an arrest warrant, Stephen Brown fled to mainland Europe where he caught a flight to Vancouver in Canada, where resides now.

Immediately after landing in Canada, Stephen Brown started taking investment from old friends and new acquaintances. He got control of (then) OTC:AMEFF to launch yet another entertainment company. After a few months, he was reversed out and took on debt from the company. He then acquired (now) OTC:CRKM where he stopped filing, dropping from a fully reporting SEC filer to Expert Market; Stephen Brown is still CEO of Crank Media, Inc. today. Though Crank Media has no revenue, massive amounts of debts, and no significant shows or artists, it still maintains a very expensive office in downtown Vancouver, box seats at the Canucks stadium, and other costly luxuries.
Stephen Brown then acquired control of OTC:HPIL in early 2021, where under his management, the outstanding shares have quadrupled and none of the promises to shareholders have been met.
The biggest and most outlandish claim being a perpetual motion/over unity electric vehicle, that self charges while driving, and never needs plugged in; even claiming that you could run your house off the electricity it produces. To date, no demonstration of these claims has been conducted publicly, even with a claimed working prototype vehicle. For now, Stephen Brown is still CEO of HPIL Holdings. Stephen Brown attempted to acquire OTC:STGZ fraudulently, but was kicked out before he could do any damage.
Stephen Brown recently started Retrospect Auto LTD, in the summer of 2022, to scam investors of their money with a fraudulent Spyker deal. Ironically, this would be in direct competition of his Apogee HPIL EV scam...
Now he is all over the place, listing in Nordic exchange, fake movie deals with Joe Cocker, etc. etc. etc... never ending BS.
The only question now is, how will this end? Find out "Next Week!"
Stephen Brown Through the Years
Regina Motor Products
Not sure how he did, but just gonna assume he CRUSHED the used car salesman role. Heck, at least he has a fallback plan.
Caliber Records & other Independent Record Labels
Started, shutdown, & restarted several record labels after lawsuits for non-payment to artists, including but not limited to Rita Coolidge for $750,000. A few one hit mediocre successes, but mostly failure and lawsuits.
Vidnet, Entertainment Blvd
(OTC:EBLD) Delisted
Vidnet, Stephen Brown's most self-promoted "success," launched an interesting but unsuccessful music video streaming service ended with Stephen Brown and his cofounder being pushed out of and sued by Vidnet for breach of written and oral agreements, breach of fiduciary duty, conversion, interference with existing and prospective business relationships, breach of trust, implied indemnity and accounting. Vidnet's complaint sought a minimum of $585,000 for money owed by Stephen Brown to the Company and further damages for his tortuous activities. The company won by default judgement but was never able to collect. EBLD's stock was revoked. Success? Not for investors who lost everything.
WorldNet Resource Group
(OTC:WNRG) Delisted
Asset Equity Group
(OTC:ASEQ) Delisted
In January 2000, months before leaving Vidnet, Stephen Brown started putting assets into another public shell and was immediately appointed CEO after being pushed out at Vidnet. All the projects Stephen put into the shell failed and the company, as of the last filing, had over $2,000,000 in unpaid debt with $68 in cash. ASEQ's stock was revoked in 2004.
Milagro Entertainment
(OTC:MLGH) Delisted
(OTC:PMWI) Kicked Out
Milagro never filed anything and little is known publicly outside of angry investors on stock boards labelling it a "scam," a few press releases, and a few lawsuits, one totaling $642,190 alone... which was later recouped through a US Marshal run auction of all of Stephen Brown's personal property in NV. After not filing under OTC:MLGH even once, Stephen attempted to reverse into OTC:PMWI, but was booted after only a month or so. MLGH's stock was revoked the same day as EBLD, which is a rare (maybe even the only) "success" one could boast about in a resume, making it the third stock Stephen ran that was revoked in a 2 year period.
Vavoom Media Group
The failed vision of an inspiring porn media mogul, Vavoom was a short lived porn content and streaming media provider. Peaking with a contest for investors and the general public to send penis pictures as an entry to win sex on Valentines Day with an aging porn star, Vavoom was unsuccessful in attempts to reverse into OTC:AUMN and shut down. Several lawsuits were filed against Vavoom. Seriously though, who fails at porn?
1122 Media
A multitude of misc website projects and urls, 1122 Media also failed to reverse several projects like Best Bid, Inc and Junk4Junk, Inc into OTC:NCRG and a new share issuance. Like many Stephen Brown failures, tons of urls, tons of one page "coming soon" sites, tons of delays and inevitable "failure to launch..."
UMII Products
Evolve Beverages
UMII and eventually Evolve Beverages attempted to launch a few health and wellness products as well as sports drinks for athletes. After forging contracts with the LA Dodgers and several other companies, then using investor's money instead to on himself, Stephen Brown was sued for securities fraud and defaulting on a sponsorship contract, but had already fled to the UK.
Misc Failed UK Businesses
Because it is too sad to put in all the details, this period of time was spent taking money from investors on complete failures like Harrogate Media Limited, Ignite Media Partners, YOUMIXIT Limited, UK Hockey League, Thumbprint Entertainment, etc. where Stephen Brown used investor money to fund his lavish lifestyle, but never delivering anything before the projects shut down.
Extravaganza Entertainment
Easily Stephen Brown's most deceptive scam to date, fraudulent funding from "overseas" was paraded to unsuspecting locals for a new entertainment production company. Over 100 individuals and businesses were fooled into providing financial, labor, and other assets (stage production, animation, etc) to support a UK network TV series and movies Stephen provided fraudulent emails and forged contracts as proof. To buy more time with investors and partners, Stephen forged SEC documents, opinion letters from SEC lawyers, NASDAQ applications, S-1 filings, etc for a fake a Nevada corporation, keeping them at bay with several fraudulent "issues" along the way. This all fell apart when Stephen Brown was finally successful in his goals, starring in a real network TV series "Can't Pay We'll Take It Away" E05 E13; having his property seized and auctioned off to settle unpaid debts. Stephen would be bankrupted and an arrest warrant issued, which he promptly fled police and went to Canada instead.
Appreciated Media Holdings
(OTC:AMEFF) Kicked Out
Stephen Brown found new and old victims in Canada to fund his projects, starting Appreciated Media and reverse merging it into OTC:AMEFF. After only a few months, Stephen was pushed out and was forced to take on some of the company debt accrued under his "leadership."
Stargaze Entertainment
(OTC:STGZ) Kicked Out
Stephen gained access to another shell OTC:STGZ for a few months, was kicked out before he could permanently hurt the shell long-term. Smartest group by far.
HPIL Holding
Stephen gained access to another OTC shell in early 2021 where he intended to put in his misc technology ideas ("projects"). After failing to launch a single NFT, ZIPPA, Artificial Intelligence, HUMM Token, a Meta Universe, etc... HPIL has also been pumping investors on a perpetual motion/ over unity electric vehicle that never needs plugged in and can even supply your house electricity when parked. Promising to get Pink Current by mid 2021, HPIL has still yet to provide the OTC with filings that disclose lawsuits, debt, and other material information required of public companies. Stephen is no longer CEO of HPIL but is pretending to be.
Crank Media
(OTC:CRKM) Delisted
Before leaving Appreciated Media, Stephen had formed Crank Media and started putting projects into it. He was able to reverse into fully SEC reporting OTC:CRKM, then failed to file and was moved to Expert Market where it currently sits unable to be traded by retail. Ultimately, Crank Media was SEC revoked and dissolved, like previous 3 OTC scams did, and he started Everplay Entertainment as his latest scam.
Retrospect Auto LTD
What is even this? Rumor is a Spyker EV play in North America? This in direct competition with HPIL's Apogee Dynamics... another Stephen Brown bait and switch!
Criteria Management Ltc.
HPIL scam 2.0, lol all the dipshits that fell for this one too.
Everplay Entertainment Ltd
When you fail at you last and 20th media company... what do you do? Make a new one! RIP the dipshits who get suckered in this scam.
Misc Canadian Scams
Between Criteria Management, eSports Gambling LTD, Mofo Capital, Crypto Energy Partners, Tugball, Sedona Development of the Bahamas, Hawaii Property, other real estate deals, E-sports, and other misc scams, the list continues to grow. It is unknown the full extent that Stephen Brown has defrauded investors until more lawsuits show up. The total of all known Vancouver Canada based lawsuits totals well over $50,000,000 CAD, with more lawsuits growing monthly.
What's Next?
There is always a next scam you dipshits will fall for. The fact none of you morons will take action to stop him makes me not feel sad for your stupidity you were warned about. You all could have bankrupted him and had him arrested already, these future scams are ON YOU. No pity from me dipshit.