"We just want to steal your money"
Looking to invest?

Stephen Brown, a 40 year conman. Ask those who have loaned him money like Arthur Brown, Have you asked his investors what they think of his performance in their now abandoned companies CRKM and HPIL trading at .000001 per share? Are you this desperate to fall for this scam too?

Stephen Brown
King Douchebag
Over 40 years of stealing other people's money and running from the police. Now trying to steal money through Scatterbrain App... because he is a douchebag.
This is just Criteria Management all over again. Same scam, new name.

Stole HUMM Token from HPIL
HUMM Token is an HPIL asset that Stephen Brown has stolen from shareholders and moved into this new private corporation, with a few select HPIL shareholders. Even though, he issued shares in HPIL for this asset to him and a few people he owed money to...